Priority-1 Group Executive Coaching

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Communication During Covid-19

Strange, confusing times right now. Hang back, wait and see… or step up and drive?

As a leader, your messaging must become much more intentional and precise to cut through all the ambiguity, confusion, and fear running through the minds of your employees or coworkers.

You need to:

1.       Build rapport: Everyone is experiencing something different right now. For some, it’s scary and tragic and for others it may be relaxing and fun. Meet individuals where THEY are, not where you are.

2.       Demonstrate authority: Have short-term and longer-term plans. Share the health of the business and how you’re pivoting over the next few months. Share key metrics and details.

3.       Influence behavior: Model the behavior you want. Want your employees to over-communicate? You go first and then notice their efforts.

Do this consistently and you’ll build trust and confidence with your teams, exactly when they need it most.